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篇一 : 畢業論文致謝詞賞析






篇二 : 畢業論文致謝詞2篇











篇三 : 畢業致謝詞:滿滿的回憶



猶記得三月初的一天,交了論文初稿后的忐忑。而當收到楊毅老師修改過的論文初稿,看著初稿上老師仔細一條條修改過的記錄,老老實實有些許羞愧,羞愧我論文上膚淺的觀點,也羞愧于對知識的態度,更加羞愧于對待論文的浮躁。也許正如老師所說,膚淺,人們是不會需要的。誰曾說過:“對知識,要學習尊重,學會敬畏,學會愛!”曾經課堂上的記憶尚在,老師的諄諄教導,同學的默默幫助,朋友的無私關懷,在這里致以萬分的謝意。感謝這三年來所有人的幫助,[蓮山課~件 ]讓春意充斥著整個心懷。



篇四 : 英文畢業留言致詞

class of XX! first i’d like you to stand up, and ave and cheer your supportive family and friends! i’m sure you can find them out there. sho your love!

a long time ago, in this cold september of 1962, there as a steven’s co-op at this very university. that co-op had a kitchen ith a ceiling that had been cleaned by student volunteers probably every decade or so. picture a college girl named gloria, climbing up high on a ladder, struggling to clean that filthy ceiling. standing on the floor, a young boarder named carl as admiring the vie. and that’s ho they met. they ere my parents, so i suppose you could say i’m a direct result of that kitchen chemistry experiment, right here at michigan.

everyone in my family ent here to michigan: my brother, my mom, my dad—all of us. my father’s father orked in the chevy plant in flint, michigan. he as an assembly line orker. he drove his to children here to ann arbor, and told them: that is here you’re going to college. i kno it sounds funny no. both of his kids actually did graduate from michigan. that as the american dream.

hat i’m trying to tell you, this is ay more than a homeing for me. i have a story about folloing dreams. or maybe more accurately, it’s a story about finding a path to make those dreams real.

you kno hat it’s like to ake up in the middle of the night ith a vivid dream? and you kno ho, if you don’t have a pencil and 4)pad by the bed, it ill be pletely gone by the next morning?

ell, i had one of those dreams hen i as 23. hen i suddenly oke up, i as thinking: hat if e could donload the hole eb, and just keep the links? and i grabbed a pen and started riting! sometimes it’s important to ake up and stop dreaming. i spent the middle of that night scribbling out the details and convincing myself it ould ork. soon after, i told my advisor, terry inograd, it ould take a couple of eeks for me to donload the eb—he nodded knoingly, fully aare it ould take much longer but ise enough not to tell me. the optimism of youth is often underrated! amazingly, at that time, i have no thoughts building a search engine. the idea asn’t even on the radar. but, much later e happened upon a better ay of ranking and e made a really great search engine, and google as born. hen a really great dream shos up, grab it!

hen i as here at michigan, i had actually been taught ho to make dreams real! i kno it sounds funny, but that is hat i learned in a summer camp converted into a training program called leadershape. their slogan is to have a “healthy disregard for the impossible”. that program encouraged me to pursue a crazy idea at the time: i anted to build a personal rapid transit system on campus to replace the buses. i still think a lot about transportation—you never loose a dream, it just incubates as a hobby. many things people labor hard to do no, like cooking, cleaning, and driving ill require much less human time in the future. that is, if e “have a healthy disregard for the impossible” and actually build the solutions.

i think it is often easier to make progress on mega-ambitious dreams. i kno that sounds pletely nuts. but, since no one else is crazy enough to do it, you’ll have little petition. the best people ant to ork on the big challenges. that is hat happened ith google. our mission is to organize the orld’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. ho can that not get you excited? but e almost didn’t start google, actually, because my co-founder sergey and i ere too orried about dropping out of the phd program. you are probably on the right track if you feel like a sidealk orm during a rainstorm! that is about ho e felt after e maxed out three credit cards buying hard disks off the back of a truck. that as actually the first hardare for google. parents and friends: more credit cards alays help. hat is the one sentence summary of ho you change the orld? alays ork hard on something unfortably exciting!

as a ph.d. student, i actually had three projects i anted to ork on. thank goodness my advisor said, “hy don’t you ork on the eb for a hile?” technology and especially the internet can really help you be lazy. lazy? hat i mean is a group of three people can rite softare that then millions can use and enjoy. can three people anser the phone a million times? find the everage in the orld, so you can be truly lazy!

overall, i kno it seems like the orld is crumbling out there, but it is actually a great time in your life to get a little crazy, follo your curiosity, and be ambitious about it. don’t give up on your dream. the orld needs you all!

so here’s my final story:

on a day like today, you might feel 12)exhilarated—like you’ve just been shot out of a cannon at the circus—and even invincible. don’t ever forget that incredible feeling. but also: alays remember that the moments e have ith friends and family, the chances e have to do things that might make a big difference in the orld, or even to make a small difference to the ones e love—all those onderful chances that life gives us, life also takes aay. it can happen fast, and a hole lot sooner than you think.

in late march 1996, soon after i had moved to stanford for grad school, my dad had difficulty breathing and drove to the hospital. to months later, he died. i as pletely devastated. many years later, after a startup, after falling in love, and after so many of life’s adventures, i found myself thinking about my dad.

if my dad ere alive today, the thing i think he ould be most happy about is that lucy and i have a baby in the hopper. if he ere here today, ell, it ould be one of the best days of his life.

many of us are fortunate enough to be here ith family. some of us have dear friends and family to go home to. please keep them close and remember: they are hat really matters in life.

thanks, mom; thanks, lucy.

and thank you, all, very much.

篇五 : 簡潔的畢業論文致謝詞





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